Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Spring Art Sale

Last Friday, Starving Artists had their annual Spring Art Sale. As mentioned in one of my previous posts, I decided to try to sell a few paintings.

Here are most of the final paintings. I sold all the fish, the elephant, giraffe, owl, red panda and tree frog. So if you're interested in the others let me know! I sold them for $25 each.

Also since there was such amazing work there I bought this pendant from Molly Parker Smith. I added the connector piece and the hemp.

I actually traded my giraffe painting for this fantastic vase from Adena Griffith. I get something from her every year. Her mugs are the best, I love making chai in them.

And lastly, I splurged a little and bought this little painting from Steven Walker.

Finally, I'll leave you with a few pics from the sale.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

CSCA Presents Scott Maney

If you're in Columbus this Thursday, I highly recommending that you stop by Knowlton Hall on OSU's campus to here Scott Maney for CSCA's monthly event.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Sold and Selling!

Well, I sold my first real painting this weekend. I was a little sad to see the "Duomo" go since it was one of my personal favorites. But I do know it's going to a good home. The buyer is also buying my "Colosseum". I'm also painting her one of Pisa, which she is going to pay extra for since it will be a commissioned piece.

Here are some picks of my latest series. I'm working on these to sell at Starving Artists' Annual Spring Art Sale. Sorry for the bad quality, I promise I'll get some good picks up when they're all done. These are so much fun to make. I start by finding images of popular animals, a lot of these I know are favorites of my friends...maybe they'll buy them at the sale. But after I find the images I paint the background color, the fore-color loosely about where the animal is and it's shape. After that's all dry I draw on top of it with my favorite Pilot Precise Grip pens. I don't trace anything, just look at an image. I like that I can carry these around to work on once the paint portion is finished. Hope you enjoy them as much as I do!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

mothers day

I realize this is a bit late but happy mothers day to all those mothers out there. I know several of the bloggers I follow have little ones of their own, like Jennie and Rice Babies. Unfortunately because of work, I was unable to see my family on mothers day, but did make it home today. I did my laundry and gave my mom her present!

 And as promised here are some pictures of the paintings I made for my mom.

There are three of us kids, myself and my two younger brothers, hence the three chicks. My mom absolutely loved them. She made me hang them up right away.

Mother's Day also happen to coincide with my stepdad's birthday so I made his this painting.

I hope everyone had a great Mothers Day!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

busy busy month!

I've been so terrible this month! It's been pretty crazy, finding a house, finishing my honors thesis and presentations, class projects, working, meetings, etc...

but here's a peek of a series I'm working on for my mom for mothers day.

I'm still tweaking parts of my honors project but here's one of the six, I'll add them all when I'm completely done.

More updates to come, I promise!!!