midterms have already passed, where has the quarter gone? here are some of my latest pieces from my classes this quarter.
this was a piece done for illustration. based on the grimm brothers fairy tale called "the star money". the figure was done in colored pencil, cut out and placed onto the background. while for the background i decided to use a combination of marker, pen and acrylic. i was the only model i had at the time which sort of makes it a self portrait as well. this is one of the two pieces of mine that my professor entered in a Society of Illustrators ILW 48 contest. i'm keeping my fingers crossed to place in that one.
this is the second really complete piece i've done for painting. (the fish and umbrella has evolved since my last post) it was supposed to be a timed piece done in about 7 hours. pretty sure i finished this in about 4.5-5 hours. i can't help but paint fast. the dry brushing technique done for the details was a lot of fun and something that i don't do too often. this one didn't evolve too much from start to finish. our assignment was to do a portrait, specifically a headshot. i knew i wanted to use a comedian, and after much research and deliberation i chose charlie chaplin. his history with women alone made him interesting enough for me to paint. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charlie_Chaplin. my professor absolutely loves this piece, which is a definite bonus.
here is the latest piece i've done for my illustration class. it is a cd cover for bj kocen. we were given the name of the cd, the breaks, and basically told to run with it. the only stipulations were no beach scenes and no just black and white. i decided to use cut paper. it's a method i haven't really used in this kind of scale. but it was a lot of fun (i didn't even cut myself!) and the whole look goes very well with bj's style. i connected really well with his music and i think it shows in this piece.
this was my first painting for class. i decided not to do the assignment (i get to skip 2 projects to do my own pieces). this was done from a sketch i had done last winter while doing a piece call mouse adventures for computer art. (http://sportybillygoat.deviantart.com/art/mouse-adventures-113255067). it was just something fun to do. captein is a much tougher professor than joanne ever was. so much more structure which is helpful in the long run but very frustrating at times. i changed the background probably half a dozen times before being satisfied.
these are pictures from my second painting. the assignment was to use 6-10 recognizable objects in an unrealistic background. i kind of twisted the definition of 6-10 objects since i believe they were all supposed to be different objects. creative license right? i focused a lot on texture, although i'm not sure how well that comes through with the pictures. click on them for a full few, the texture is much more noticeable then.