Independents Festival was amazing. I met lots of local artists that I wouldn't have come in contact with otherwise.
In creative news, the book has been progressing nicely. I'm fairly confident I'll be able to finish everything by Halloween.
I also made my first monster cutout. It's just my logo for now, but I'm planning on doing a series of note cards very soon.
This week I had that crafty my old ratty looking lamp the the preteen in me decided to paint sometime in middle school got a makeover. I bought some amazing vintage fabric at A Gal Named Cinda Lou's earlier in the summer and some ribbon from JoAnn Fabrics (which was easy to find and use thanks to my handy ribbon organizer!), add some white paint and Ta-Da!
Before (the top was almost completely broken off from the frame due to the wind blowing it off my beside table at least once a week)
Another before image, this one is my awesome preteen paint job.
I love the new simplistic modern look my lamp now has. It looks great in my room and was super cheap to make. To continue my craftiness this week I also finally made a shadow box frame (and by "made" I mean bought at Target) for some mementos I have from my trip to Seattle last spring.
Anyways, hope everyone is having a good week!